We here at Forward Counsel LLP would like to congratulate LEAD-OC, a non-profit founded by our own Brian Davis, for collaborating with Chinese business leaders to create the “WeTogether” movement and to donate 50,000 surgical masks to UCI Health. Our firm believes in paying it forward, and this is a perfect example. However, more help is still needed to protect first responders and healthcare workers. To find out how you can help these heroes, see the announcement below from LEAD-OC. 


To our LEAD-OC family and friends (and our new WeTogether family!) 

LEAD-OC is honored to announce its response to the COVID-19 crisis: the WeTogether movement! WeTogether is a collaboration between a group of incredibly generous local Chinese business leaders, and LEAD-OC's members, families, donors and friends. 

WeTogether protect our healthcare workers.

WeTogether feed those in need.

WeTogether give ownership over our community's response.

WeTogether lead and inspire others to act. 

We are definitely in an unprecedented time. And unprecedented times call for a commitment to match the crisis with unprecedented compassion, community and leadership. Lives have been disrupted. Many local businesses are struggling. Millions in our nation possibly left without jobs. Those of us who still have business, now have to navigate social distancing at work, and home schooling our children without child care help. This is our generation's great moment of crisis. 

The WeTogether movement asks- What can we do to help those in need?Are we helping our community's first responders protecting our families? Are we helping those uncertain of their next meal? Are we helping charities ensure the homeless have shelter? Despite the scale and gravity of the health and economic crisis we face, together we can make a difference. 

WeTogether have hope. 

And, WE ARE ALREADY MAKING A DIFFERENCE! Just last week, WeTogether paid for and donated 50,000 masks to UCI Health, with a promise of more to come... Also, one of our LEAD-OC members took it upon himself to anonymously donate 25 meals to Hoag Hospital... 

So, how can you help?

(1) LEAD OC's WeTogether committee: we're forming a committee, like we would for our charity events - please consider volunteering to participate (calls are just as effective from the home couch as they are from the office!).

Reach out to Brian@shawingroup.com for details.

(2) Donations: we are sensitive to asking for financial support during this challenging time, but efforts are of course futile without financial support - please consider donating at whatever level you are comfortable with. Donations are tax-deductible. Checks can be made to WeTogether or LEAD-OC, with "WeTogether" in the memo line.

(3) Spread the word in any way you can! Support our movement by promoting our efforts via social media.

#WeTogether #LEADOC